Wednesday, June 13, 2007

How is life measured?

Owen was 4 months old today. It's hard to believe that our rollercoaster ride began only 4 months and 6 days ago. It seems so very far away from the "normal" everyday family life that we lead. (I of course, use the term "normal" loosely as a homage to Tonya and Knoah who are currently dissecting that term on their blog What is Normal? ) Owen has been definitively diagnosed with Achondroplasia by the geneticists at U of M. For my husband and I, this diagnosis was relatively easy to take considering what we had faced a few months back. I can't help but think that perhaps God put us through all the drama in order in order to prepare us for our new life. Before Owen, I had never given much thought to a persons height and how it effects the world's perception of a person. Of course, everyone makes snap judgements of people. "He's 6'6. He must play basketball". "She's 5'2. She must be delicate." Beyond that, how will Owen's height effect the person he is?
I wish for Owen the same things that I wished for him before we found out he had achondroplasia . I want him to be a strong, happy, good person. I'm so curious to see what life is going to bring us. He's such a happy little guy right now. I hope he doesn't turn into one of those sullen teenagers whose answer to every question is "Fine." Although, I suppose that's inevitable.
There are a few things I hope to accomplish with this blog. I would like to provide hope for parents who have been given poor prenatal diagnosis as Grace did for me. The Roloffs have opened their doors and are shattering the stigmas associated with dwarfism. I too hope to provide some insight into the world of little people. Basically, I just need to chronicle my journey. It always helps me to get everything out and onto paper (or a computer screen in this case). I probably won't write everyday and it will most likely be very random thoughts. I can promise honesty. Please, please, please, leave a comment or a post if you want. I can't wait to meet more people like me!


Anonymous said...

Hi Owen!! Knoah says HI! We will let you know when we will be near you so we can met!!
Love ya!

Anonymous said...

We have wondered the same thing Cat..did we need to hear the worst news to come to grips with what will be? None of it matters to us now, we are so happy and relieved that Bryan is here and a happy, healthy baby. We think he is God's perfect gift to us. Perfect in every way. And in his few short months of life, he has already opened so many doors for us, including meeting you and your family and Tonya and Knoah among others. It really makes me wonder what great gifts he has in store for us. I can't wait for all the boys to get together some day, really something to look forward to, to see them grow up together.

YaYa to Bryan